Thursday, November 12, 2009

Script Analysis- Blog Post

1. How does the film start at a dramatic moment in the middle of the drama?
When John sees a missing person sign of his friend; that friend is the same person who's body was seen in the beginning of the movie.

2. What terrific scene will open, and what memorable scene will end the film?
The dead body of the unknown kid will open the film, and the final memorable scene will be when a missing persons sign of John who was knocked out the day before will be posted on campus.
3. What’s my character’s attitude and position in the events?
John is a good cop type main character who is in the wrong places at the wrong time. He searches for the truth but in the end he gets screwed over. He is yet another typical Film Noir character who fights for justice and bends the rules but learns to find out that the world is corrupt and pays for his drive to find justice with his life.

4. How do I introduce my character? If my character isn’t central to the action, what do they witness that is?
We introduce him by showing him in regular class being a normal kid, and as the story develops he develops as a character. The plot revolves around his actions and his actions give him his characterization.

5. How can I help the audience discover what is happening, rather than just telling them everything?
By showing them through action rather than dialogue. Dialogue just intensifies scenes actions give emotion to the scene because everything that we show is what we want the audience to see.

6. How can I reduce things to a minimum, but still have an impact?
By showing only actions since dialogue takes up too much time and by making each action meaningful and relative to the plot.

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